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Paris 75012
  • Office / Commercial premises
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Description du bien
Immobilière du Parc Monceau offers you commercial premises on the ground floor of 38m2 Carrez overlooking a pedestrian courtyard a stone's throw from the Gare de Lyon.
The interior of the premises is currently divided into 3 offices, a toilet and a water point and a beautiful window.
This premises was last rented for €2,200/month excluding charges and taxes.
All activities possible except nuisance.
Sold free of any occupation.
30€ Monthly charges / 700€ Property tax
Ref: 17932



Property tax: €700

Energy balance

DPE réalisé après le 1er juillet 2021

Devenir propriétaire, c’est super ! Mais si c’est pour manger des pâtes et ne plus partir en vacances pendant 10 ans...🥺


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